The Health Benefits of Eating Fish

Do you enjoy a fish dish midweek or perhaps a smoked salmon cream cheese bagel on a weekend? Then you may not realise it but you may be preventing yourself catching a disease. Oily fish has great potential health benefits and when enjoyed in moderation can lead to a longer and healthier life. Here’s how:

Types of Fish

The species that has the most health benefits are oily fish such as:

Oily Fish White Fish Shellfish
Salmon Cod Crab
Mackerel Plaice Lobster
Tuna Haddock Oysters
Trout Sole Prawns


Nearly all of these oily fish listed are rich in omega 3 with a lot more natural oils in comparison to whitefish. This is found in their body tissue and in their stomach cavity. Oily fish is also packed with lean protein as well as vitamins A, D and E

Health Benefits

There are a number of different health benefits that come with eating oily fish once a week. The most researched are as follows:

  • Arthritis – One portion of oily fish a week could cut the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis in half.
  • Cardiovascular Disease – It can also play a part in the prevention of cardiovascular disease where the oils in the fish counteract the effects of mental stress on the heart.
  • Dementia – It can help your working memory. Investigators from Chicago have found that eating oily fish can protect alcoholics from dementia. Those exposed to fish oils had 95% less neuronal death and neuroinflammation than those without.
  • Cancer – The omega 3 in the fatty fish can be used in the treatment of oral and skin cancer. These oils will inhibit the growth of malignant and pre-malignant cells and will not harm the normal cells. It is also suggested that it may help prevent prostate cancer but there is currently no scientific proof to support this.
  • Sight – Protect your eye sight as you age by eating fish. DHA an omega 3 fatty acid has been found to lower the risk of vision loss in the elderly.

salmon steak


Are you reading this and thinking “maybe I should up my intake of fish”? Well take a look at the healthy salmon recipes at John Ross Jr. You’re sure to find something that makes your mouth water.

Are you looking for some tasty Scottish smoked salmon or some fine foods in general? Then take a look at John Ross Junior’s website. A family run business they are a fish merchant and curer appointed to Her Majesty The Queen and sell only the best fish. So if you are food savvy give John Ross Junior’s smoked salmon a taste!